Dear Family and Friends, Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Thank you to all that gave me mail
or packages. Especially the Browns. That package was fun to get. The Missionary Training Center (mtc) is
going great. We work very long days here.
The showers are also always freezing
in the morning. I have found out that if you shower at night, there is a slight
chance you might get a warm shower.
The spirit is very strong here. The first
couple of days i could not sleep. I was so stressed. From day one they make you
start teaching investigators. Now i am sleeping like a baby though.
district here is very awesome. All 12 of us (8 Elders and 4 Sisters) are packed
into one tiny classroom. We have learned to love each other. We do love to goof
off, but we also can feel the spirit when we are together. I have actually had
one of the most spiritual experiences with my district.
My companion (Elder
Woodward) and i started teaching a new "investigator" yesterday.
teaching investigators here is role play. they are not really investigators.
but they pretend to be. let me tell you, they do such a great job. when i am
talking to Eric (our investigator) i do not even think that he is really not an
investigator. We just teach him like we would a real one. I am so thankful for
the people that do the role play lessons. It really helps to teach someone that
is real.
Here at the mtc, when you put your head to the pillow, you can really
think, "today i did a hard days work."
Elder Casey Jensen